Samuel Tandlich

Stations of his persecution - Samuel Tandlich
Stations of his persecution - Samuel Tandlich
  • born 20 December 1924 in Piekielnik/Slovakia, died 6 November 1989
  • 1929 - 1934 Elementary school
  • 1934 - 1939 Private tuition
  • 1939 - 1941 Special agricultural school
  • May 1942 Arrested, Sillein
  • May 1942 to July 1942 Lublin-Majdanek concentration camp
  • July 1942 to October 1943 Auschwitz concentration camp, prisoner number 43836
  • October 1943 to August 1944 Warsaw concentration camp
  • 6 Aug. 1944 Dachau concentration camp, prisoner number 87422
  • 13 August 1944 Dachau concentration camp/Mühldorf subcamp
  • 2 May 1945 Liberation
  • 1946 to 1949 Ampfing/Mühldorf
  • May/June 1949 Emigration to the USA via Bremen

Vor dem Krieg - Piekielnik


  • Piekielnik belonged to the Slovakian state from 1939-1945.

Silina, Maidanek


  • meant is Zilina/Sillein
  • one line is missing
  • Majdanek
  • According to the file extract, the family was arrested in May by "Slovakian Gestapo and taken to the prison in Silina. After 2 days they were led to the Slovakian border
  • by the Hlinka Guard (Slovakian fascists), taken from there by the German SS and taken to the Majdanek concentration camp."


Liste von aus der SLOVAKEI Deportierten, Erstellungsdatum: vor dem 12 April 1943; Quelle: USHMM
Liste von aus der SLOVAKEI Deportierten, Erstellungsdatum: vor dem 12 April 1943; Quelle: [1]

Anmerkung: Eine Erläuterung der Liste siehe USHMM

Auschwitz: Desinfektion von Kleidung; Quelle: YV FA157/374
Auschwitz: Desinfektion von Kleidung; Quelle: [2]
Auschwitz: Ladearbeiten_yv98905.jpg
Auschwitz: Ladearbeiten; Quelle: [3]

KZ Warschau

Warsaw concentration camp
Location Warszawa / Warsaw
Territory General Government (1939-1945)
Opening 15.08.1943
Closing At an unknown date before 01.05.1944, the concentration camp continued to operate as a subcamp of the Lublin concentration camp
Deportations From 24.07.1944 to Dachau concentration camp, where the arrival was registered on 06.08.1944
Gender Men
Assignment of prisoners at  
Type of work Removal and collection of materials resulting from the demolition of the ghetto
Comments On July 19, 1943, 300 prisoners were transferred from the Buchenwald concentration camp to build the concentration camp. / The establishment of a concentration camp in Warsaw was based on Himmler's wish to remove all traces of what was once the largest Jewish community in Europe from the cityscape: the entire ghetto was to be torn down and all earth bunkers, cellars and underground canals were to be filled in. The site was then to be covered with earth and turned into a park. To this end, the SS-WVHA had a labor camp set up on the former ghetto site from July 1943. The prisoners were transferred from Buchenwald and Auschwitz to Warsaw. The concentration camp continued to operate as a subcamp of the Lublin-Majdanek concentration camp from spring 1944. Around 2,500 concentration camp prisoners and 1,000 Polish workers were deployed for over a year to demolish the buildings and raze the site to the ground. From July 24, 1944, the prisoners were mainly "evacuated" to Dachau concentration camp.</td

Dachau and Mühldorf

Bunkerbaustelle Mühldorf - Betonierung eines Gewölbes
Bunkerbaustelle Mühldorf - Betonierung eines Gewölbes; Quelle: [4]
Waldlager  Mühldorf
Waldlager Mühldorf; Quelle: [5]
Dachau; Quelle: Individuelle Häftlings Unterlagen - KL Dachau Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Dachau; Quelle: Individuelle Häftlings Unterlagen: Quelle: [6]
Mühldorf; Quelle: Individuelle Häftlings Unterlagen - KL Dachau Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Mühldorf; Quelle: [7]

After the War: 1946-1949 Ampfing

Listen von Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen, anderer Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenloser Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Listen von Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen, anderer Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenloser; Quelle: [8]

Emgration 1949 USA

Samuel Tandlich left Germany in May or June 1949 and emigrated to the USA.

Liste; Quelle: Schriftwechsel und Namenlisten, ausgestellt in Bremen-Grohn: Verkehrsmittel Schiff (USS GENERAL HAAN, USS GENERAL HOWZE); Transitländer und Emigrationsziele: Kanada, USA Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Liste; Quelle: Schriftwechsel und Namenlisten, ausgestellt in Bremen-Grohn: Verkehrsmittel Schiff (USS GENERAL HAAN, USS GENERAL HOWZE); Transitländer und Emigrationsziele: Kanada, USA; Quelle: [9]


Further Sources


Office for Compensation

Stuttgart, AZ. ES 8320, 1965-1968



Picture Credits

  1. Liste von aus der SLOVAKEI Deportierten, Name List ID: 21840, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  2. Birkenau, Poland, 1942, Prisoners working in the disinfection cabin. Yad Vashem, Album Number FA157/374
  3. Auschwitz, Poland, Unloading the trains at the central train station. Yad Vashem, Archival Signature 5720/40
  4. Stadtarchiv Mühldorf
  5. Barracks in Waldlager VI, near Ampfing. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Number: #80112
  6. Individuelle Häftlings Unterlagen - KL Dachau Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
  7. Individuelle Häftlings Unterlagen - KL Dachau Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
  8. Listen von Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen, anderer Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenloser Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
  9. Schriftwechsel und Namenlisten, ausgestellt in Bremen-Grohn: Verkehrsmittel Schiff (USS GENERAL HAAN, USS GENERAL HOWZE); Transitländer und Emigrationsziele: Kanada, USA Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives