Abraham Rimler

Stations of his persecution - Abraham Rimler
Stations of his persecution - Abraham Rimler
  • born on 5 September 1914 in Krakow
  • worked as a merchant
  • had to perform forced labour as a construction worker in the Krakow ghetto from June 1941 to May 1942
  • was in the Krakow-Plaszow forced labour camp from May 1942 to the end of 1943, working as a welder
  • then worked for about 7 months in the Skarzysko-Kamienna forced labour camp  in the munitions factory
  • was in the forced labour camp Tschenstochau/HASAG Rakow from mid-1944
  • was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp/Tröglitz subcamp at the beginning of 1945
  • was in the Theresienstadt ghetto from 4/1945 - 9 May 1945 (liberation)
  • later in Krakow, in the Displaced Persons Camps Eschwege, Hessisch-Lichtenau, Kassel, Landsberg/Lech
  • He lost his family, his parents and his five siblings.

Before the War

Krakow ghetto, Plaszow, Skarzysko, Tschenstochau

Deportation von Juden
Krakau - Deportation von Juden; Quelle: [1]
Zwangsarbeit in Krakau; Quelle: [2]
Forced labour camps for Jews in the "Generalgouvernement"
Place Skarżysko-Kamienna
Area General Government, Radom District (1939-1945)
Opening Men: January 1940 (first mention); Women: April 1940 (first mention)
Closing October 1944 (last mention): The male prisoners were "evacuated" in June/August 1944 to the forced labour camp for Jews in Czestochowa and to Buchenwald concentration camp. The female prisoners were "evacuated" to the Leipzig subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp in August 1944 / The camp was "evacuated" in July 1944: 4,000 Jews were deported to the Hasag headquarters in Leipzig and around 3,000 to the Hasag factories in Czestochowa</td
Deportations In 1942, several transports of prisoners arrived at the camp, including around 2,000 Jews from Kielce and around 500 from Checiny, in March and November from Plaszów and then around 1,900 from Majdanek, and in early March 1944 around 1,600 from the Lodz ghetto. A transport of around 2,000 prisoners from Plaszów also reached the camp in March.</td
Prisons At times there were 8,000 prisoners in the camp.
Gender Men, women and children
Employment of the prisoners at HASAG (Hugo Schneider AG); United Electricity Works of the Radom and Kielce Districts
Type of work Men: work in the munitions factory, railway construction; women: Labour in the munitions factory
Remarks In March 1944, all the children in the camp were murdered
Source: deutschland-ein-denkmal.de
Forced labour camps for Jews in the "Generalgouvernement"
Location Częstochowa / Częstochowa
Name HASAG Rakow
Area General Government, Radom District (1939-1945)
Opening June 1943
Closing 15 January 1945; the prisoners were "evacuated" to Buchenwald concentration camp; liberation on 16 January 1945
Gender Men
Employment of the prisoners at HASAG (Hugo Schneider AG) Rakow ironworks
Type of work  
Source: deutschland-ein-denkmal.de


Subcamps of the Buchenwald concentration camp
Location Tröglitz, municipality of Rehmsdorf
Name "Will"
Territory Prussia (Province of Saxony)
Opening 05 June 1944
Closing "Evacuation" on 09/04/1945 to Wittenberge
Prisons Up to 4,250, mainly Jews
Gender Men
Employment of the prisoners at BRABAG (Braunkohle-Benzin AG); Zeitz plant
Type of work Clean-up work (e.g. defusing unexploded bombs), work in road, civil engineering and railway construction, construction of anti-aircraft positions to ensure the production of synthetic fuel
Comments 200 Dutch prisoners (housed in the oxen shed of the sugar factory and in the Harnisch estate in Gleina) built a tent camp for the later prisoners on Rehmsdorfer Straße in June 1944. At the end of 1944, a new camp was set up in Rehmsdorf under the direction of the Organisation Todt.</td
Source: deutschland-ein-denkmal.de

"Evacuation" from Buchenwald


Krakau, West Germany

C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Quelle: [3]
C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Seite 1, Quelle: [3]
C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Seite 2, Quelle: [4]
C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Seite 2, Quelle: [4]
C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Seite 3, Quelle: [5]
C/M 1 Bogen Abraham Rimler, Seite 3, Quelle: [5]


Weitere Quellen



Darmstadt 1958- , AZ D/14954/14


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  1. A member of the German SS supervises the boarding of Jews onto trains during a deportation action in the Krakow ghetto. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photograph Number: 02159
  2. Krakow, Poland, German policemen watching the Jewish forced labor workers. Yad Vashem, Archival Signature 4572/6
  3. C/M 1 Akten aus Deutschland, Abraham Rimler, ITS Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
  4. C/M 1 Akten aus Deutschland, Abraham Rimler, ITS Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives