Simon Weisz

Stations of his persecution - Simon Weisz
Stations of his persecution - Simon Weisz
  • born on 3.2.1930 in Nyirbogat/Hungary
  • 1944 Nyiregyhaza ghetto
  • April 1944 to September 1944 Auschwitz concentration camp
  • September 1944 to January 1945 Dachau concentration camp/Landsberg subcamp
  • January 1945 to February 1945 Dachau concentration camp/Landshut subcamp

  • February 1945 to May 1945 Dachau concentration camp
  • Hungary, Austria, West Germany, Italy
  • 1948 Canada
  • 1957 USA

Before the persecution

Ghetto Nyiregyhaza
Place: Nyiregyhaza (Nireguhaza, Niereghaza, Niregshasa)
Area: Hungary, Szabolcs region
Opening: 16.04.1944
Liquidation: 13.07.1944
Deportations: From May 14, 1944 to Auschwitz
Remarks: In May 1944, there were 17,580 people in the ghetto, 5,000 of whom came from the town itself and the rest from the surrounding area. Between the end of April and mid-May, the Jews were taken to 3 agricultural estates outside the city. From here they were deported to Auschwitz.</td
Source: Encyclopedia of Jewish Life, 2001; Braham: Politics of Genocide, GA Glass 20.02.2006, JCC Dr. Hoppe
Date of the supplement: Feb. 16, 2011
Source: Ghetto list 2014


Selektion in Auschwitz; Quelle: YV AS 10BO1
Selektion in Auschwitz; Quelle [1]


Subcamps of the Dachau concentration camp
Location Kaufering camp I, Landsberg
Area Bavaria
Opening 22.06.1944 (first mention)
Closing The date of the "evacuation" to Dachau cannot be determined; / the liberation by the US army took place on 27.04.1945 [LIT]
Deportations A total of 268 prisoners were transferred from the Kaufering camps to the Leonberg satellite camp of the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp [LIT]; on April 24, 1945, around 1,500 prisoners were sent on a "death march" via Schwabenhausen to Emmering, where they were transported by train to the Dachau concentration camp.
Prisons About 3,000-5,000, mainly Jews
Gender Men
Employment of the prisoners at Fa. Moll, Geiger company, Kaufering OT construction management
Type of work Water and sewer work, work on the bunker construction site
Comments The Kaufering satellite camp around Landsberg and the satellite camps around Mühldorf were created in connection with the plans for the so-called "Jägerstab". This was an attempt to break the air supremacy of the Allied forces by increasing the production of fighter planes. To this end, huge concrete bunkers, "Jägerbauten", were to be hastily erected from mid-1944, into which the production facilities that had been severely damaged by bombing raids were to be relocated. Under the direction of OT, four companies were commissioned to build the bunkers: Leonhard Moll was responsible for the "Weingut II" bunker for the "Ringeltaube" project near Landsberg, Karl Stöhr for "Walnuß II" and Philipp Holzmann for "Diana II". All construction sites were located in the northwest of Landsberg. The Polensky & Zöllner company was to build the "Walnuß I" bunker near Mühldorf to the south of Mettenheim. As the demand for labor could not be met by "regular" workers, numerous forced laborers, prisoners of war and, above all, concentration camp inmates were transferred to Landsberg and Mühldorf. As only a few existing buildings could be used, the prisoners were confronted with improvised, completely inadequate accommodation and plagues of vermin and epidemics broke out within a very short time. A total of around 30,000 prisoners were deported to the Kaufering camps. On average, there were probably 10,000-20,000 people in the camps. The prisoners were almost exclusively Jews and came to Bavaria mainly via the Auschwitz and Stutthof concentration camps or directly from Hungary. From January 1945, prisoners were mainly deported to the Mühldorf and Kaufering camps from camps in the Reich territory. Kaufering Camp I was renamed from III to I and was the main camp of the Kaufering complex. The SS commandant's office was also located there. As hardly any documents on the transfers to or from the Kaufering camps have survived, the number of people who perished cannot be determined. It is estimated that almost one in two died. Transfers from the camps were certainly tantamount to the death of the prisoners. [The information on employers and type of work is partly taken from the Ludwigsburg investigations and the ITS. Raim 1992 points out inconsistencies and incompleteness in this regard


Außenlager des KZ Dachau
Ort Landshut
Gebiet Bayern
Eröffnung September 1944 (erste Erwähnung)
Schließung 05./06.02.1945
Geschlecht Männer
Einsatz der Häftlinge bei OT-Oberbauleitung Amt B.G. (Bedeutung der Abkürzung nicht bekannt


Marschkolonne von KZ Häftlingen; Quelle: Stadtarchiv Landsberg
Häftlinge auf der Neuen Bergstraße, April 1945, Fotograf Johann Mutter.Quelle: [2]

After the Liberation


Office for Compensation



  • The Jews of Nyirbogat were taken via Nyiregyhaza to Nyirjespuszta and from there to Auschwitz; source:

Picture Credits

  1. Birkenau, Poland, 27/05/1944, A selection on the platform. Yad Vashem, AS 10BO1
  2. Stadtarchiv Landsberg am Lech, Bildarchivnummer 3232