Pinia Berkowicz

Stations of the persecution - Pinia Berkowicz
Stationen - Pinia Berkowicz
  • born on 15.7.1906 in Wolanow, died on 14.1.1978,   owner of a textile store in Wolanow
  • 1939 expropriation
  • 12.8.1942 arrested in Wolanow
  • Lublin-Majdanek concentration camp/Blizyn subcamp, work in the quarry

Before the War

until Juli/August 1943: Wolanow, Ghetto Wolanow

I lived in constant fear of death and trembled for the lives of my small children and my wife, as children were the first to be killed. In 1942, a typhus epidemic broke out in the camp. I contracted typhus and was in a terrible condition. But the most terrible thing for me was that my beloved wife and two of my brothers died of typhus fever. My father and my children were killed in 1943.

Source: Affidavit

Ort Wolanów
Gebiet General­gouvernement, Distrikt Radom (1939-1945)
Eröffnung 01.07.1941
Liquidierung 01.07.1942
Deportationen ab 01.07.1942
Forced labor camps for Jews in the "Generalgouvernement"
Place Wolanów
Area General[gouvernement, Radom district (1939-1945)
Opening 1940
Closing July/August 1943
Deportations The prisoners were "transferred" to the forced labor camps for Jews in Radom, Blizyn and Starachowice
Gender Men
Employment of the prisoners at Company Kuhlmann, Hanover; Company Wilhelm Hölscher; Hanover; Company Jünicke (or Jenicke), construction company; NSKK (National­Socialist Motorcycle Corps), Komman­dantur; Hegent & Höner, Hamburg; Company vonder Wetter
Type of work Construction work, work on the airfield, painting and decorating work


Subcamp of the Lublin-Majdanek concentration camp, subcamp of Radom
Location Bliżyn
Area General Government, Radom District (1939-1945)
Opening February 1944, previously a forced labor camp for Jews
Closing "Evacuation" on 30.07.1944 to Auschwitz concentration camp. On October 9, 1944, the subcamp is still mentioned with 15 prisoners
Gender Men
Employment of the prisoners at SS-WVHA/Amt W IV/1 Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke GmbH; SS-WVHA/Amt W I/2 Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH
Type of work Work in the quarry; work in the munitions factory

Auschwitz, Dachau, Landsberg

Häftlingspersonalbogen KZ Dachau; Quelle: Individuelle Häftlingsunterlagen KZ Dachau, Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Häftlingspersonalbogen KZ Dachau; Quelle: [1]
Baustelle Landsberg/Kaufering
Dokumentation des Bauablaufs; Bunker, Iglinger Straße (Teilstück der nördlichen Abschlußwand des Bunkers mit dem Ausschnitt der Eisenbahnzufahrt); Quelle: [2]
Dokumentation des Bauablaufs; Bunker, Iglinger Straße (Gleisanlage, die in den Bunker führt); Quelle: [3]
ITS Auskunft, Quelle: Akten Konrad Kittl
ITS Auskunft, Quelle:[4]
ITS Auskunft, Quelle: Akten Konrad Kittl
ITS Auskunft, Quelle: [5]

Nach dem Krieg