Salomon Reich

Stations of his persecution - Salomon Reich
Stations of his persecution - Salomon Reich
  • born on 1 October 1921 in Sobrance/CSR
  • October 1942 Forced labour in road construction in Nagybanya/Romania
  • January 1943 Szegedin: forced labour in road and railway construction
  • May 1943 Forced labour camp Bor/Yugoslavia: work as a blaster in the copper mines
  • September 1944 March to Mauthausen. Arrival at Mauthausen concentration camp in October 1944, mass murder of  prisoners near Cervanka/Zombor en rout
  • October 1944 to December 1944 Mauthausen concentration camp
  • December 1944 March to Gunskirchen subcamp
  • Liberation on 4/5 May 1945
  • Sobrance, Vienna DP Rotschild Hospital, Hallstein
  • 1951 USA

Source: affidavit dated 16 April 1964

Before the persecution

October 1942 to May 1943 forced labour in Romania and Hungary

Zwangsarbeiter-Bataillon in Nagybanya 1943; Quelle YV AS 5657/1
Zwangsarbeiter-Bataillon in Nagybanya 1943; Quelle: [1]

I was beaten a lot and suffered from severe hunger. As a punishment, I was 'untied' several times, i.e. I stood on a chair, for example, my hands were tied to the wall with sticks and then the chair was pulled out from under me so that I was hanging in the air and I was beaten until I was unconscious. Then I was doused with cold water until I regained consciousness. After such treatment I started to crawl. I complained of stomach pains and headaches, but I had to go back to work because otherwise I would have faced the death penalty.

May 1943 to October 1944 Forced labour in the copper mines

Zwangsarbeitslager Bor - 1; Quelle YV AS 1249/51
Zwangsarbeitslager Bor - 1; Quelle: [2]
Zwangsarbeitslager Bor - 2; Quelle: YV Album FA57/25
Zwangsarbeitslager Bor - 2; Quelle: [3]

The march to Mauthausen

Sambor: Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden; Quelle: YV AS 3016/17
Sambor: Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden; Quelle: [4]

Then we continued on the death march, where many of us were shot on the streets. We didn't get any food during the whole march. If the SS saw us picking up food from the street, they shot us for it. When we passed through Belgrade, people threw us bread from the windows. But if the SS saw one of us reaching for it, they immediately took the bread out of his hand and crushed it with their boots.

October 1944 to 4/5 May 1945

After the War


Further Sources


Office for Compensation




Picture Credits

  1. Nagybanya, Transylvania, 1943-4, A Jewish labor battalion. Credit Yad Vashem Archival Signature 5657/1
  2. Bor, Yugoslavia, A forced labor camp. Credit: Yad Vashem Archival Signature 1249/51
  3. Bor, Yugoslavia, A work battalion in a stone quarry. Credit: Yad Vashem Album FA57/25
  4. Sombor, Yugoslavia, monument to the 680 Jews murdered in Bor. Credit: Yad Vashem Archival Signature 3016/17